Sacred Geometry 1-4

In the Mystery School we give you tools so that YOU can bring this energy into your life and let life teach you about the subject. It is one thing to know a lot about sacred geometry, it’s completely another to LIVE sacred geometry.
Each level in this series builds on the last, and awakens the powers of sacred geometry in you and in your life. Sacred Geometry is the building blocks of all things. To understand how the Universe creates ensures that YOU will know how to create in your own life and live AS A CREATOR!
Sacred Geometry I
Sacred Geometry I is the foundational stone for all Sacred Geometry classes within the Modern Mystery School.
Sacred Geometry I is very much an experiential class which is designed to awaken the 3 basic geometric shapes that God used to create the Universe with and are within us all!
This class takes you beyond theoretical information and helps you feel and utilise the energy of these sacred symbols that connect you to the Universe and to God.
Receive tools that will enable you to fill any space you choose with the highest vibrations and learn how to seal your home and work place with this pure energy. Bring peace, harmony and joy to your environment and to all who enter in it!
Investment £100
Time: 4 hour class
Sacred Geometry II - True Crystal Magick
This is the second class within the Sacred Geometry Series and together we will be exploring the mysteries of crystals and how we can use them to enhance the energy within our homes, ourselves and on others.
During the class we will cover exciting topics such as:-
• True Crystal Magick
• Healing with Crystals
• Dreaming with Crystals
• Readings with twin Crystals
• Magical Rites with Crystals
• Crystal Gridding - to enhance and protect your physical space
• Proper care of your Crystals
• And more...
Join us for this fun, jam packed 1.5 day workshop and gain tools to enhance your health, intuition, dream time and home!
Learn new healing modalities that you can immediately offer to friends, family and clients. Enhance your business and your home!
What are you waiting for!
Pre-requisite Sacred Geometry level 1
Investment: £300 (class takes place over 1.5 days)
Sacred Geometry III - Healing & Balancing the 7 Layers of the Aura
In this amazing continuation of the Sacred Geometry Series from the Modern Mystery School you will learn how to:-
• Heal and balance the first 7 layers of the aura
• Release and heal emotional trauma
• Help your clients feel more balanced and centred
• Connect and work with the Family of Ra
• Get your clients to create their mission statement for the next 6 months
• Awaken the Spiritual, Mental, Soul-based, Creative, Formative, Dreaming and Active levels of being
At the end of the class you will be able to take this healing modality out into your community and work with it immediately!
During this amazing class you will also experience this healing on yourself and learn how to do it on yourself as it is one of the only healings within the Modern Mystery School that can be self-administered!
Experience and help bring out into your community the energies of the New Paradigm through the ancient Egyptian archetypes!
Pre-Requisites: Sacred Geometry I and II
Sacred Geometry IV
In this module you will learn MUCH MORE powerful grids. When we want to heal ourselves, or heal others, the space that we are in is really important. As energy healers, we have to be mindful of the energy of our space. In this module you will be handed down 3 grids that create a very high vibration in your space.
Reserved for initiates only, Sacred Geometry 4 reveals the secrets to sacred spaces and empowers you to be able to create them. Through the teachings of the Sacred Geometries you will learn that you have the power to bridge the spiritual and the physical by activating your home and workspaces as your holy sanctuaries. By using and activating these temples, you will strengthen virtually every aspect of your life.
In this class, you will receive:
• Official handing down of 3 sacred temple setting techniques
• Ways to intensify protection, power and Light in your space
• Methods of bridging the physical and spiritual worlds
• True empowerment and access to higher vibrations of Light
• Increased positivity and vibrancy in your life!
Pre-Requisites: Sacred Geometry I, II & III