Baby Blessing
If you are expecting a new addition to the family many congratulations! This is an exciting time for you and your family and as a parent myself, I know how important it is to give your child the best possible start in life. If this sounds like you then you may be interested in a Baby Blessing.
Shamans in ancient societies would welcome new-born babies with special blessings to protect and energetically prepare them for living in this world. Baby Blessing, performed in the manner as passed down within the lineage of the ancient Mystery School Tradition provides unparalleled protection for your child. It is like putting your
baby in a bubble of protection. Children who have received this blessing have also developed faster and exhibited some amazing talents at a young age.
This blessing can be done between birth and 3 years, however the best results are seen when a Baby Blessing is done as soon as possible after birth, while the baby is still pure, before it has received any negative imprints. Due to these time constraints, interested parents should contact me as soon as possible – ideally several months before birth so plans can be put into place. The baby Blessing must be done in person.

Investment: £1,500 - includes 2 consultations with the parents before and after
Life activations for one or both parents his highly recommended.
a) For an expecting mother - for the duration of labour.
b) For a child under 3 the duration varies.
Schedule a free consultation to find out if this is for you!