Hello & welcome to my site
My name is Sophia, and I am a Healer and Teacher with the Modern Mystery School and have studied with the school on and off since 2009. I have a busy healing practice in Somerset and I have worked in the voluntary and private sector offering therapies, healings and classes since 2002.

My passion is helping my clients reach their full potential. It is a huge honour to witness their progression; to see them fulfilling their dreams and understanding their true purpose in Life through the healings and classes I offer with the Modern Mystery School.
I wonder if you have ever asked yourself:-
• Who am I?
• What is my true purpose?
• Is there more to life than this?
I most certainly did on a regular basis! Yet it was not until I received a Life Activation at the Mind Body Spirit Fair and then attended the Empower Thyself Class in 2009 that I began to really be able to answer these questions!
The Life Activation and the tools I received from Empower Thyself began the most amazing process of transformation for me on a physical, energetic and spiritual level. I had finally found the missing pieces of my puzzle; and here is the crazy thing; they were actually buried deep within me! My healing practice became more successful, old unhealthy habits began to fall by the wayside and I started to have more Joy in my life! New possibilities opened up for me, old patterns that did not really serve me began to fade into the background and I found that I had so much more energy and purpose in my life!
I passionately believe that if I can change anybody can so I invite you to take responsibility of your life, become the captain of your ship and sail into new and exciting waters with
• 1st Step – Life Activation & Full Spirit Activation
• 2nd Step – Empower Thyself
• 3rd Step – Healers Academy
What are you waiting for… You could just find, as I did, that the answers to all the questions you have ever asked are buried deep within you – you just need to turn the right key to unlock them.